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Digital Atmosphere 2021

Most of the weather maps on mdweather.com are generated by Weather Graphics Technologies' Digital Atmosphere 2021. This gives us the flexibility to provide our web site viewers the information we think is important to them.DA 2021 Current Map Whether the map be a simple forecast map, convective outlook map, or even a warning map Digital Atmosphere 2021 gives us what we need. Check out the few samples provided on this page. You too can own this very program to make your very own weather maps. This highly easy and customizable program can help you make YOUR maps they way YOU want them. They can be local or national, you decide because you have the options. There is an wide variety of maps that can be made, too numerous to list here but more detailed information and examples can be found at the Digital Atmosphere 2021 web site at www.weathergraphics.com.

You ask, why do I want my own mapping program? Here's the answer. There is not a internet site on the World Wide Web that can give you all the map information that you might need or want without going to numerous web sites. Not even ours! DA 2021 Dewpoint This program can be used by Professional and Amateur forecasters, Storm Chasers, Students or anyone who has an interest in weather. It's that simple and easy to use. Have access to the EMWIN data stream? If so, Digital Atmosphere 2021 can now ingest and analyze that data. If you do not have access to EMWIN, don't worry, Digital Atmosphere 2021 can automatically connect to the Internet and download all necessary data to create and analyze the very same maps. There are so many different applications that this program provides. There is even the capability of ploting climitalogical data. Its all there just for you. For the more advanced computer user there is a scripting function which can be set-up for auto map production and updating.

Now for what we think is the best part of this program. SUPPORT! This product might not have everything you want or have more than you need, that depends on you. But the constant is the support. You just don't purchase the program, you help develop it's upgrades. Questions and suggestions are answered and taken promptly and courtiously. No buying a program and it's yours and lots of luck. Your questions are answered! DA 2021 Current Temperatures If there is something you might like to see the program do just ask it just might be possible or at the least be considered for the next version. There even is a support list were you can ask questions to other Digital Atmosphere 2021 users. How's that for support!

Here at mdweather.com, we feel that this program is a bargain at any price. This is the best program investment anyone can make. We will always use Digital Atmosphere 2021 in our map making process and are always anxiously waiting for the new upgrades because of all the great things the program does. We RECOMMEND this program to everyone interested in the weather, Amateur or Professional. We know you will be pleased. So take a look for yourself at www.weathergraphics.com and see for yourself all the great possibilities this program can provide.


Lightning MapThe Lightning Tracking program we use here at mdweather.com is Astrogenic Systems NEXSTORM™ is a Microsoft® Windows® 32-bit application for use with the Boltek™ StormTracker ISA, PCI card and LD250 lightning detectors. NexStorm combines display, analysis, networking and interprocess communication functionality in a way that makes this software package the most versatile lightning display and analysis application available on the market. Individuals and organizations that require the ability to display their StormTracker lightning data on the Internet in near realtime, or want to have the option of customizing the output to conform to a specific requirement can now do so - using one single application!


Midwest Current ConditionsAnother program from TempoQuest that mdweather.com uses to display current conditions is WSV3™. The culmination of 10 years of experience in developing high-performance PC weather software, listening to our clients' innovative ideas for improvement, and striving to be the best there is: WSV3 - the ultimate Swiss army knife of live weather tracking/monitoring information, set to shockwave through all its target industries - from TV broadcasting, emergency management, and storm-chasing to personal safety, insurance, utility management, construction safety, DOT operations and more.

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